Analysts expect the company to unveil at the conference the latest model iPhone, which has more processing power and new features like video editing. The launch is expected in June or July, when original iPhone owners on a two-year service contract with AT&T Inc. (T) will be eligible for an upgrade.
Jobs announced his leave on January 14, and though the initial reaction was tumultuous, the past 5 months, the company has been operating smoothly without papa. The stock has in fact risen 68.4% in his absence, reflecting investor confidence.
Apple doled out a decent second-quarter report card, even without Jobs, beating earnings estimates by 22%, although the recession took a toll on the sales of Macintosh computers.
Apple sold 2.22 million Macs during the second quarter, representing a 3% unit decline from last year. The company also sold 11.01 million iPods, up 3% from last year, and 3.79 million iPhones, up 123%. Gross margin for the quarter rose to 36.4% from 32.9%.
Known for its conservative guidance, Apple sees third-quarter earnings of between 95 cents and $1 per share, on revenue of between $7.7 and $7.9 billlion. Analysts are currently looking for earnings of $1.14/share on revenues of $8.12 billion.
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